Wednesday, February 6, 2013

China said hi. I said bye-bye :(

Dear friends,

Did anyone wonder where Shunying went during J-term? Yes? Thanks for asking :)

Since my days at school were so miserable, I decided to take a little break from studying. I went back to China. I went back to my hometown where I hadn't been in two years. I became excited the minute I stepped out of the airplane. When I heard people speaking the language I was born speaking, I was thrilled. Though it was a bit loud. Nothing seemed to change, but many things looked different. I want to say that the population has been increasing for the past few years because all places I stopped by were full of people. The airport in Hainan was packed, the streets were packed, the passenger bridges were  packed! People, People, People!!! People were everywhere I went.

I swear that I could barely breath when I first arrived. But I adapted soon. I felt great being home. China is where I belong after all :) I spent 20 days at home with my parents and including visiting my grandparents and some of my friends. The time we spent together made me realize how important family means to me. I never thought that I would be so attached to them. Of course I was sad when I left. I came back to the U.S at the end of January because school starts on Feb. 6th. I couldn't celebrate Chinese New Years with my family as I had to come back for school... Darn! I missed them terribly now. Please stay safe and healthy for me, everyone in China. I will be back soon :)

Love always,


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