Thursday, February 22, 2024

Making Connections: Building a Supportive Network as an International Student

Picture this: you step foot onto campus grounds, a myriad of emotions swirling within you like leaves dancing in the wind. Orientation beckons, a symphony of introductions and icebreakers set against the backdrop of excitement and anticipation. Here, amidst the laughter and shared stories, seeds of friendship are sown, destined to bloom into the vibrant garden of your university experience.

As the days unfold like chapters in a book, you find yourself drawn to the canvas of student life, each stroke a testament to the rich tapestry of experiences awaiting you. Joining clubs and organizations becomes your brush, painting strokes of passion and purpose across the canvas of campus culture. From the vibrant hues of cultural clubs to the bold strokes of athletic prowess, there’s a space for every shade of your identity to shine.

Tips for Meeting New People and Making Friends

  1. Attend Orientation Events: Orientation week is an excellent opportunity to meet other new students
    and start forming connections. Be sure to participate in icebreaker activities, campus tours, and
    welcome events organized by your university.


  2. Join Clubs and Organizations: Get involved in student clubs and organizations that align with your 

    interests and hobbies. Whether you're passionate about sports, culture, academics, or volunteering, 

    there's likely a club for you. Joining clubs is a great way to meet like-minded peers and expand your 

    social circle.

3. Utilize Social Media: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn can be valuable tools for connecting with other students, both locally and internationally. Join university-specific groups and online communities to engage with fellow students, ask questions, and share experiences

4. Participate in Group Study Sessions: Forming study groups with classmates is not only beneficial academically but also provides opportunities for social interaction and collaboration. Work together on assignments, study for exams, and share insights and resources.