PLU Campus Photo:@brekkemo |
Are you interested in seeing photos from real life international students attending PLU? This year the International Admissions Office is holding a Photo Contest for current international students (2014-2015). To see photos submitted on Instagram and Facbook search for #PLUintlphotocontest or #PLUintl to see more pictures from our awesome international students!
If you are a current International Student here you can find the guidelines below!
Madeleine & The International Admissions Team
PLU Clock Tower Photo:@brekkemo |
Submission Rules and Guidelines
Applicant must be a current international student at PLU(or Fall 2014 graduate).
Submissions must be original photographs taken by the applicant during his/her academic life at PLU from Fall 2014 through Spring 2015.
Contestants may submit one (1) photograph per category – For a total of three (3). Each submitted photo must include the required information (see above) or it will not be considered.
The PLU International Admissions Office reserves the right to reject photos that contain inappropriate content. Rejected photos will be discarded without penalty to the contestant's other submissions.
Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis, with the final deadline of 5:00pm on Friday, May 1st 2015.
Campus Scenery: Qualifying photos for this category may include wildlife, plants, natural and urban
landscapes and landmarks around our campus. Must include a minimum of one student.
International Classroom: Qualifying photos for this category may depict student interaction with
academia. Examples may include students in the classroom, with faculty, involved in internship and
service projects, field study, culturally relevant activities or study groups, etc.
Lute Social: Qualifying photos for this category must include PLU students, faculty, and/or staff. Ideally, your photo should include international students interacting with domestic students, perhaps in a learning environment – even better if they are wearing Lute gear!
One winner will be selected from each of the categories and the winner will receive a $50 Gift Card to the Garfield Bookstore. As a partial prize qualified photos may become the cover of future international student brochures (subject to university approval)!
Contest participants will be notified of the results of the contest by Sunday, May 10th 2015.
Please email photos to intl@plu.edu AND post them to either Instagram or Facebook (see below)
Photos will be accepted on a rolling basis with a final deadline of 5:00pm on Friday, May 1st, 2015.
Late entries will not be accepted.
Emailed Photos:
Preferred format: .jpg or .tiff
Preferable Size: minimum 1MB
Submitted photos must include:
o Category Title
o Name of Photographer
o Title of Photo
o Paragraph explaining the significance of the photo
o Approximate Location and Date
Instagram and Facebook submission:
The location set to “Pacific Lutheran University”
Include the hashtag: #PLUintlphotocontest
All submissions become the property of PLU, which will enjoy full rights of display and circulation (with attribution to the photographer). If you submit a photograph it is understood that you have granted this right.
Judging will be conducted by a panel of PLU faculty, staff and students.
Judging criteria:
o Originality/creativity
o Photographic quality and visual impact
o Effectiveness in conveying the international student experience