Sunday, May 22, 2022

Take a breath, to relieve your stress

Hey everyone, it's Rei!

We are nearing the end of school! I hope the semester has been going well so far with all of you! This is the time of the year where we are all feeling dead or are looking forward to finals. As a student who has experienced three final weeks here, I would like to share a bit of advice with you all that has worked for me in the past.

1. Don't Procrastinate

Without a doubt, my first advice should be about Procrastination. Procrastinating on studying is quite natural and common in college life. Some students (often upper-class students) brag about staying up all night, others go into "panic mode," etc. Some people get it right, others don't. But the harsh reality is that procrastination leads to not as satisfying scores. Rushing to work on a procrastinated assignment or study guide right before the due date is one of the most stressful activities in the world. Keep in mind that time is limited, so start everything as early as possible! Nothing is too early to start.

2. Write stuff down

An ideal aspect for a successful college student has a list of tasks to complete. By writing everything down, you transfer what has been weighing on your mind onto paper. Seeing what needs to be done physically helps you keep track of it; creating a to-do list allows you to actively cross off each item as you complete it. I personally feel so good when I finished my task and draw a check mark every time ✅.

3. Get some fresh air

As a college student, there are so many things you have to do that it is easy to get jaded quickly. Time seems to flow like sand. At such times, just getting up and taking a walk or feeling the warmth of the sun can help you clear your mind of what is in front of you. A breath of fresh air can help you resolve to take another breath and return to what you are working on or studying with a clear mind and fresh eyes. I like to go for a walk on campus with my friends! 

4. Study outside!

Staying indoors increases the stress and frustration of final exams. Especially during these busy final exam times, it's time to change up where you study! I like to study at a cafe, therefore here are some recommendations of some of my favorite places to study where it's not too loud and has some good food and beverages!
  • ONIT cafe @Federal way
  • Coffee Kitchen @Lakewood
  • Garfield 208 @Parkland 

These are just a few considerations to keep in mind during the last week of school! Finish strong!

Until next time,

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